Thursday 4 April 2019

I wish I could ...

I wish I could remember to write something every day
I wish I had the energy to write something every day
I wish...... well not much point in just wishing.  Better just get on with it and see how things go.

Well it is nearly the Easter holidays and the tiredness of KS1 in school is finally getting to me.  Looking forward to seeing Sarah back from Uni, a chance to chat about our summer holiday no doubt. A chance to just sit and enjoy some female company.

Plans also include a visit to Wisley for a spring visit, no doubt my camera will be coming with me to capture Spring blossoming.  Then off another day to the Wildlife Centre for a visit to do a risk assessment for a school visit.  Other than that I have a multitude of assessments to do but intend also to sit and chill for some days and just relax.