Today was a date with the Animals in Animal Kingdom and we could have a lie in this morning as our first fast pass wasn't until 10.15 when we were due to go off on safari........ Love the safari for the photos and the talk about the different animals. If you get out there a bit earlier then the animals are out and about before their day of lazing in the sunshine begins. I wouldn't say they were exactly active but they amble a little quicker in the early part of the day.
So with a little lie in behind us we were ready to leave about 9.30 and we found our way without any help from the SAT nav. Sarah and I directed beautifully reading the signs along the way..... Car park was very light really if compared to the summer and we even ventured out on a walk from the car to the park, something we only think of in moments of madness in the summer due to the humidity.
We were welcomed by a very pleasant bag checker who even zipped the bags up for me. Very kind indeed. Bag checkers into the park come in two kinds...... officious or friendly.... prefer the friendly ones, just makes my day.
Soon we were off on our adventure through into the land of Africa and into Harambe and off......... Excellent guide through the African heartland.
A mud bath is always good first thing in the morning before your day begins, great for the complexion.
A little lazing in the sunshine before the busy day starts.
Young 'un have a clean up before the visitors turn up.
Snap chat! Crocodile style
Just looking around to see what the day brings. Motley looking crew in that jeep.
Come near me and you will feel the sharp end of my horns.
Getting away from mum before she sees what we are up to.
We need to spread our wings for our true colours to show.
And you think I am moving?
Surveying the land around me. Blending in beautifully.
Style Queen of the Savannah.
Now after our safari we headed for Asia for our ride on Kali Kali rapids but they were having some technical difficulties. So surely it must be time for some brunch. Whats wrong with Teriyaki beef and honey chicken at 11am?
Honeyed chicken and this was delicious.
I think it was well received as there were empty plates all around.
We went off to do Dinosaur and then en route back to Kali Kali we popped into "It's a bugs Life". An excellent presentation by Flick yet again but it was ever so funny watching some of the reactions from other people especially when the bugs "leave the theatre". Well never seen so many people leave their seats so quickly as the bugs rush past their legs!!!!
Finally we had our ride on Kali Kali and the moans and the groans from Daniel about getting wet and being made to go on it! Yes he did get wet but Martin got drenched and didn't we know about it for the rest of the time there. Moan, moan,moan......... What did he expect on a water ride?
Well in order to keep them from moaning needed to go and get some Mickey ice creams along the way.
You can see the extent of the drenching in these photos and it was quite funny......... It was hardly cold but oh my goodness you would have thought it was freezing. He had to stand in the sun to dry off before he went on Everest, I just sat playing Words with Friends whilst they did this as couldn't quite get into the idea of doing Everest - the mine train was enough for me.......
We decided that we would go home, have a swim and then perhaps go off to do a little more shopping before our meal out this evening......... However the moaning became a little more extreme and more drying off was needed along the way so I just had to go and do some finger excercise using a certain person's credit card to help my ears. A little purchase or two was made along the way.
Then a little more shopping along the way this evening because the zip broke on my rucksack and I needed something a little more secure.