Sadly when we had the storm over Christmas we lost a number of fish from our marine tank and would have lost them all had Martin not stayed up all night with the tank and agitated the water to allow the oxygen to get into the tank. We managed to save our shark catfish, our nemos and one of the Monos however we lost our puffa fish and our regal tang as well as some of the smaller fish. Sarah and Martin went off to replace some of them and came back with a new puffa and a new regal tang. Our tang is very camera shy and hides in the rocks however the puffa seems to be more outgoing that our previous one and is happy to pose in the rocks, virtually sitting still for his photo shoot. Not great quality but...................he camouflages beautifully into the rocks.
We still have a number of other outstanding jobs to get sorted - namely the tree that needs to be removed from next door's lawn and the tall fir tree at the bottom of the garden that needs to be taken down before it falls down. We also had someone come and look at the fence in the front garden and that has been ordered to get done as well. We will slowly get back to normal I am sure.
Your new puffa fish is cute and I'm pleased to hear that you are getting things sorted following the storm damage