Monday 20 February 2012

366 Challenge - Fragile

A bit of a tricky one until I was sat there having a slice of toast at tea time and it fell out of my hand butter side down on to my lap top.  So I was hoping that my laptop was not "fragile" and go up in a puff of smoke.  Thankfully it is still working perfectly else I would not be typing here.  So that's my take on the word today.


  1. My daughter almost managed to throw a cup of tea all over mine the other day. Luckily it went mainly over ME!

  2. Yes, laptops are fragile creatures!

  3. They certainly are. My cat walks on mine and causes havoc.

  4. It's amazing you can break it with a cup of tea but I managed to drop mine on a solid floor while it was on and only slightly crack the lid. Who said that computers are logical?

  5. phew glad you are still with us.I would miss our chats
