Thursday 23 February 2012

366 Challenge - In the details

Waiting for the curly kale.  Couldn't she hurry a bit more?

Not sure about this one, seeing as I have only just got back from a lively day in school - looked at the prompt and thought, oh my goodness.  I thought a little and decided to go with some more details of our family.  So I went out and took some more photos of our furry friends who live in the garden a bit more of our household in detail.
No it's my turn on the box now!

I have tried to show as much detail as I could .  they were all sitting there waiting for their curly kale.  All you have to do is to rattle the plastic bag and our guineas start jumping up at the run wire and squeak very loudly.


  1. I love your pictures and your pets look really sweet !

  2. We used to have guinea pig and a rabbit and they lived in the same cage and were such good friends.

  3. What beautiful photos- it's nice to 'meet' the extra members of the family.

  4. I hope we see more of these cuties in your photos, they look very entertaining!
