Friday 17 February 2012

Snap 2012 Week 6

The theme for this week is LOVE

I had to think about this one for a little while.

And think I did.  I came up not with pictures of my family.  I love them all more than words can express.  I actually thought though that the fact is I love them so I do everything I can for them and the picture of my phone and my car is my way of keeping in contact with them and doing things that they love to do.  Anyone who knows me, knows that I spend lots of time with my children. I have heard the comment from some people, saying that you do so much running around for your children and you don't have time for yourself;  but to me that is why I have my children, to spend time with them, to ensure they have every opportunity in life and if that means running around WITH them, then yes I do it because I love them dearly.  I will have time enough for myself when they go and do their own thing, but that time will be when I know in my heart that I have spent time with them, enjoying their achievements, helping them with their battles, supported them where I can.  So until then I will continue to be in contact with them when they need me and will be a taxi service when I am needed.  Long may it continue.  We are just finishing the football season, the athletics season is just beginning.


  1. You are an amazing mum. Sarah and Daniel are lucky to have you.

  2. I agree with Michelle-lovely interpretation of "Love" Joan!

  3. Hi Joan,
    I've popped over from UKS to see your 'love' theme pics. I really like how you have interpreted the theme!
