Wednesday 7 August 2013

All is quiet in the early morning

It is peaceful and quiet, sat here alone without the noise of the television or the chatter of the children.  They are both still asleep catching up on a few z's.  Martin is now up and showered so no doubt everyone will be moving shortly.  We were supposed to be having a quiet day at a water park today but alas Sarah found out that there was a shuttle launch at Kennedy Space Centre today, so guess where we might be heading?

Yesterday was a fun day though at Universal and Islands of Adventure.  We had some fun on the water rides, they even persuaded me to do Jurassic Park where we got wet and I overcame a fear of the 85ft drop, I hate drops on rides, I am a total coward I don't mind admitting it at all.  It was fun though and I did enjoy it after all.  The theme was very good and of course, a familiar story always helps.  Now the idea of going on a water ride was firmly embedded in Sarah's mind.  She did this one and 
then thought she needed us to do more and get totally soaked.  Well of course we all gave in apart from Martin, who was in sensible mode, " I don't want to get wet"  heard muttering from his mouth more than once during the day.  Well Daniel and Sarah then went off to do one more on their own.  One drop a day was enough for me.  They came off slightly damp!

 However this was not to be the end of the wet rides, oh no not at all.  The next one was definitely the wettest one.  Water penetrated right down to the underwear and we were left slightly soggy for the rest of the day, still slightly damp by 8 in the evening.  All good fun though and it gave some great photo opportunities..... well when will I ever see Sarah wring out her washing again
Note the change of clothes, yes she was the wise one and bought another top with her for the day.  Now I suppose I should go and get myself ready for our trip out today and complete the rest of the day later on when I am back sitting on the sofa in comfort.


  1. Hi Joan thank you for your comments on my blog, tracked you down and see you are on holiday and about to move too!!

    Will pop in now nd again and see what you are up to!!

  2. Hi Lynne, yes finally got back to the blog for our holidays. Having a great time, thought it was a way to see what we were doing each day.
